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Snow Removal – What It Is and Why It Is Important

Snow removal is the process of clearing roads, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks after a snowstorm. It is usually done by public works departments, but homeowners also may do it themselves.

When choosing a snow removal service, get multiple estimates and ask for references. Also, find out whether they offer full-season contracts or per-push service and whether ice melt is included in the price. Contact a professional Snow Removal Colorado Springs expert for a hassle-free service.

snow removal


Snow removal is a complex endeavor. Each snowstorm requires an immense logistical operation that can involve thousands of workers in shifts 24 hours a day. Depending on the amount of snow and the severity of the storm, it may take hours or days to clear roadways completely.

The main roads are typically given top priority, as these are the routes that have the heaviest year-round traffic. Priority is also often given to roads with steep inclines, curves, bridges, or overpasses that can be particularly dangerous in the event of heavy snowfall. Streets used by mass transit buses are often given higher priority as well.

Roads are cleared by shoveling plowing, or both. Some towns also use a method called “snow brooming,” which involves a large blade that brushes away the snow instead of pushing it aside. This reduces wear on plows, but it can also leave bumpy, uneven surfaces that are less safe for motorists.

Some towns will also spread salt and other traction materials on roads to help prevent the formation of black ice, which can be very difficult to drive on. These treatments can be applied either before or after a snowfall.

Another solution is to heat the surface of roadways, a practice that is widely employed in many cities. This can be done both before and after a snowfall, and it can help to keep roads clear in the event of heavy snowfalls or even blizzards.

In many areas, a standing snow emergency is declared during heavy snowfalls. In this case, automobile owners are generally required to remove their vehicles from the streets. Those that do not remove their cars are usually subject to fines.

The city or town may also hire private contractors to assist with snow removal, or it may use its staff and equipment. The cost of this service can add up quickly during a severe snowstorm, and the costs are often covered by an insurance policy bought from a local insurance company.

Those living in residential neighborhoods should try to park their cars off the roads as much as possible during a snowfall. Doing so will enable them to more easily get to their homes, and it will also make it easier for plows to pass through the area. Those who live on the side of the street that does not have sidewalks should also consider moving their vehicles to the numbered side of the street first, so they are not blocked by the snow that is pushed to the other side when the plow passes through.

Parking Lots

The parking lot is an important part of any commercial property. Customers and employees need to be able to access the building from the lot, and snow accumulation can make it difficult for people to get in and out of their vehicles. Commercial snow removal services can help keep your business running smoothly all winter long.

If a customer sees that your parking lot is full of snow, they may decide to shop elsewhere. This is bad for business, especially if it happens often. Hiring a professional snow removal service will ensure that your parking lot is cleared quickly and safely. This can help you to retain customers and increase your revenue.

Snow removal requires a special set of skills that not all people have. Shoveling a large amount of snow can be back-breaking work and can also lead to injuries, which is why many businesses hire a snow removal service. A professional snow plow company can use specialized equipment to clear a large quantity of snow at once and will be able to work with your schedule to minimize business disruptions.

When a commercial snow removal company arrives on your property, they will have a map of your parking lot to know where any issues might arise. This way, they can plan and avoid burying any structures that might be necessary for business operations (like fire hydrants or speed bumps). They can also determine the best time to plow so that they don’t interrupt busy times of the day.

It is also important to remember that it’s illegal in some areas to move snow across public roads, so your plow contractor should be careful not to do this. They should also consider using alternative de-icing methods that are less corrosive than rock salt. This will be better for the environment and your concrete, and it will still be effective in melting snow and ice at low temperatures.

A clean parking lot is not only good for safety and accessibility, but it also a great impression on your customers. Customers and employees will be able to get in and out of their vehicles easily, and they will know that your business cares about their needs.


The driveway is the main way to get in and out of a home, and keeping a clear pathway is essential to people’s safety. A well-planned residential snow removal plan can prevent accidents, injury, and impeded access to homes during snowfalls. For business owners, a clean and safe parking lot and walkway will enhance the appearance of your property, making it more inviting to customers.

If you’re plowing commercial properties, it’s important to know that different types of surface materials may require a special technique when clearing snow. Asphalt, for example, is less dense than concrete or tarmac, and should be cleared with a push broom to avoid damaging the surface. Pavers, on the other hand, are typically much more durable and can be cleared using a regular shovel or blower.

Staking your driveways is a simple way to ensure that you don’t damage the pavement when clearing snow. It is best to consult your clients when determining where to place snow stakes, as they will be able to tell you how far up the curb or edge of the driveway they want you to stop. This will help you avoid removing the wrong amount of snow, which could result in costly repairs for the homeowner or property owner.

Snow stakes can be made from wood, plastic, or metal and can be purchased from most home improvement stores. They are designed to be placed in the ground at the edge of a driveway where it meets the road and serve as an easy marker for your snow plow to follow. They can also be used in other areas where you need to delineate the boundaries of a cleared area.

When hiring a snow removal service, it’s important to consider how often you need your driveways cleared. If the area is frequented by heavy traffic, you may need to remove it more frequently than a driveway that receives little use. In addition, it’s important to hire a snow removal company that has experience working with permeable surfaces such as pavers and retaining walls.

A professional can answer all of your questions about permeable snow removal options and recommend the best solutions for your commercial or residential property. They can also provide you with the appropriate equipment to tackle any winter weather challenge and reduce your liability for injuries or damage that might occur on your property.


As business owners, you have a responsibility to ensure your sidewalks are clear of snow and ice. Failure to do so puts your employees and customers at risk for falls and could lead to costly lawsuits. The good news is, that by taking a proactive approach to snow removal, you can minimize the likelihood of these incidents and ensure your property remains safe and accessible for all.

Sidewalks are dedicated spaces within the roadway right-of-way intended for use by pedestrians. They separate pedestrians from traffic and provide a comfortable walking environment, especially in northern climates where heavy snowfall is common.

They also function as locations for outdoor dining and commerce and as gathering and meeting spaces. Additionally, they help reduce pedestrian collisions at intersections by keeping people off of the roadway and providing a clear path for crossing.

While it is not the only factor, the presence of sidewalks has been shown to significantly reduce vehicle speed and congestion by deterring drivers from exceeding local speed limits and reducing traffic flows. This is particularly true in urban settings, where the availability of sidewalks provides an opportunity for other street improvements, such as pedestrian-scaled design and landscaping, to be located closer to the roadside.

Ideally, sidewalks are constructed of a hard surface material, slip-resistant, and easily maintained. This typically means concrete, although less expensive materials such as asphalt or crushed stone may be used in some contexts. Sidewalks should also be well-drained, with a maximum cross slope of 2%.

In some jurisdictions, the responsibility for sidewalk snow removal is the responsibility of adjacent property owners. In a city, for example, the law imposes an affirmative duty on the owners of properties abutting the sidewalk to maintain the sidewalk, including the removal of snow. In addition, if snow has turned to ice and cannot be removed immediately after a storm, adjoining landowners must place ice-removal material such as sand, sawdust, or salt down before 8 p.m.

Whether you own a large shopping center or a small corner market, you need to make sure your sidewalks are free of snow and ice for the safety of your employees and customers. By hiring a professional snow removal company, you can avoid the risks and keep your business running smoothly during winter weather.